Initial unboxing of my FUCKGOATS:


Post unboxing, I read through the documentation at No Such lAbs to test the operation.

Step 1: Connect the USB-TTL Cable
I connected the USB-TTL Cable as instructed:

Step 2: Configure your TTY.
On a Linux host, I configured /dev/ttyUSB0 with the suggested settings:

Step 3-1 [Part A]: Carefully remove BOTH RNG-TW (Analogue) modules.
As stated, if you carefully remove both RNG-TW modules, the SAD lamp should glow steady red. The SAD lamp does come on steady red. Test passed:

Step 3-1 [Part B]: NO output will be seen on the serial TTY.
The second part of 3-1 states that no output will be seen on the serial TTY while both RNG-TW modules are disconnected. I ran the `dd if=/dev/ttyUSB0 | hexdump -C` command for 224.271 seconds, 0 bytes were output. Test passed:

Step 3-2 [Part A]: Reinstall ONE of the RNG-TW (Analogue) modules.
I reinstalled the RNG-TW module on the left side. It's hard to capture in an image, but as soon as I did, the following was true: The SAD lamp will flicker RED at approximately half duty cycle.

Step 3-2 [Part B]: Approximately HALF of the usual output bit rate will appear on the TTY.
I ran the `dd if=/dev/ttyUSB0 | hexdump -C` command for 11.2437 seconds, 44544 bytes were output at a rate of 4.0 kB/s.

Step 3-3 [Part A]: Switch the single RNG-TW (Analogue) module to the empty socket.
The left side RNG-TW was uninstalled, and the right side RNG-TW was installed.

Step 3-3 [Part B]: The observed result will be the SAME as in (2).
I ran the `dd if=/dev/ttyUSB0 | hexdump -C` command for 12.9541 seconds, 46592 bytes were output at a rate of 3.6 kB/s.

Step 3-4 [Part A]: Reinstall the missing RNG-TW (Analogue) module, put the screws in place.
The left side RNG-TW was reinstalled. Again, it's hard to capture in an image, but as soon as I did, the following was true: The SAD lamp always flickers SLIGHTLY during normal operation.

Step 3-4 [Part B]: NORMAL (full-bitrate) operation must resume.
I ran the `dd if=/dev/ttyUSB0 | hexdump -C` command for 12.562 seconds, 91136 bytes were output at a rate of 7.3 kB/s. According to asciilifeform, this is the rated minimal.

With the basic tests now complete and passing, moving on to Step 4: Advanced Tests.

Step 4 [Part A]: dd if=/dev/ttyUSB0 of=fg.bin ... Obtain at least 1GByte.
I ran the command `dd if=/dev/ttyUSB0 of=fg.bin` and collected 1188443136 bytes (1.2GB) in 157385 seconds, with a rate of 7.6 kB/s.

Step 4 [Part B]: Afterwards, ... ent fg.bin
I ran the ent tool as such, `ent fg.bin`.

Test results show:

Step 4 [Part C]: dieharder -a -g 201 -f fg.bin
I ran the dieharder tool as such, `dieharder -a -g 201 -f fg.bin`.
There is quite a lot of output from the dieharder tool, I have taken pictures of all (shown below), the entire output is captured in text format here.


A quick grep of the output from the dieharder reveals:

Further testing was done against all five FUCKGOATS delivered. See the results here.